Name: Leyla Hussein
Age: 14
Best font: 8
"I liked font eight best because the letters are jumbled together, making it a good font for a comedy to make it fun and enjoyable"
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Name: Ryan Allen
Best Font: 8
"I liked 8 because in my opinion i think it best represents a teen comedy the capital letters are bold and in your face, as well as the uneven boxes in which each letter is placed creates a more amateurish feel."
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Name: Nick Robinson
Age: 20
Best Font: 4
"I preferred the fourth font as its slick and bold. It is easy to read and grabs any persons attention which could open up the film to a wider audience. The font also has a slightly older feel to it, this is a good thing as it will attract an older audience as well as the target audience."
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Name: Nathan Holmes
Age: 16
Best Font: 4
"Font four is my favorite text as it is the boldest in the selection. The fact that the 'A' and 'E' are larger than the rest of the letters also adds a contrasting effect making it more appealing to the eye"
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Name: Tyler Johnson
Age: 17
Best Font: 8
"My favourite is font/text for the film title is number 8, i believe it spells out teenage comedy to me and it matches the genre that has been chosen. I think that this would be more suitable for the audience of the film, because it is more visible and has an interesting and humorous style."
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Name: Katie Walder
Age: 18
Best Font: 8
"I really love font 8 as it catches your eye and persuades you to read. It reminds me of the font that was used for the Bratz movie, which was a successful teen comedy. Its young, bold and exiting"
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Name: Chloe Thorne
Age: 17
Best Font: 5
"I think you should use font number 5 for the film title as its elegant but young at the same time which is what most teenagers are like,it reflects the audience. Therefore its relatable"
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Name: Viktorija Sliciute
Age: 16
Best Font: 8
"Font 8 is the best font for a teenage comedy, I would defiantly take an interest in the film if I saw that was the title. It reminds me of the title from Bratz the movie and also The Inbetweeners which are both aimed at teenagers as well."
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Name: Georgina (Gina) Bowen
Age: 19
Best Font: 9
"Font 9 is defiantly my favourite, it just yells teenager!! and that is the target audience. Its fun and contrasted, its different to all the other fonts"
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Name: Taylan Hussein
Age: 12
Best Font: 9
"I like this font because its more comedy like than the other fonts and I like the pattern of the black and white boxes. It stands out to me because the font is bigger than the others and it grabs my eyeballs"
Name: Jennifer May
Best Font: 9
"Font nine just looks like it belongs to a teenage comedy film. Its loud, bold and messy like actual teenagers"
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Name: Paige Lily Wilson
Age: 17
Best Font: 8 or 9
"I really like both fonts 8 and 9, they are kind of similar in some ways but I cant decide which one I like best. They both have a young feel bout them that I think teenagers will respond to"
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Age: 25
Best font: 7
"I like font 7 because I feel it would go with the teenage theme. It just stands out more than the others, its more appealing to the public eye"
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