What are codes?
Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning. Codes can be divided into two categories which are technical and symbolic.
Technical codes are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text, like the camera work in a film.
Symbolic codes show what is beneath the surface of what we see. Like a character's actions show you how the character is feeling.
Some codes fit both categories, like music is both technical and symbolic.
What are conventions?
Conventions are the generally accepted ways of doing something. There are general conventions in any medium, such as the use of interviewee quotes in a print article, but conventions are also genre specific.
How codes and conventions apply in media studies
Codes and conventions are used together in any study of genre. It is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work, without saying how it is conventionally used in a genre.
For example, the technical code of lighting is used in some way in all film genres. It is a convention of the horror genre that side and back lighting is used to create mystery and suspense, an important part of any horror movie.
The Codes and Conventions of Teen Comedy Film Genre
Setting: The most popular setting for a teen movie is 'High school'. Scenes can be set in the high school locker rooms, cantine, hall or corridor and the gym or field.
Another common setting is in the houses of the teenagers. The house settings are usually for house parties or sleepovers and sometimes showing family moments. Sometimes teen movies can be set in universities and at the 'Mall'.
Cliques: Cliques are a staple to any stereotypical teen film. An example of this is in 'Mean Girls'. Even in teen films which are not the stereotypical kind, there are still examples of different groups in high school.
- The Stereotypical Nerd- Geeky glasses, shirt and tie. Really intelligent but cannot interact with members of the opposite sex.
- Stereiotypical Cheerleader- A bit of an airhead, usually pretty but has a spiteful personality
- Stereotypical Jock- The bully, popular, mean, strong but stupid and usually dates the cheerleader.
- Stereotypicla outsider- Sarcastic, sees people for who they really are.
- Stereotypical wannabe- Will do anything to fit in with the 'it' crowd, copies the popular girl and will confirm to toadys view of 'cool'
- Stereotypical New Girl- Different from everyone else, breaks the stereotypes, kind and smart and usually pretty.

Camera Shots: The camera work is very natural within teen comedies as all the characters tend to be at the same social status, with certain exeptions. Medium shots, close ups and two shots are used commonly to show the relationship between each character and the reactions to jokes.
Sound: Sound is very imortant within the teen comedy genre, Basic dialouge has to be very clear and well presented to make sure the audience can hear and laugh at hte dialouge. Sound effects are also very important, added sound helps emphasize the event on screen, this incourages more laughter.
Lighting: The lighting in teen comedies is usually quite bright, natural light. This empasises the reality of the programe or film and makes the audiene more intruiged by the characters and setting and creates a more realistic enviroment. Bright and happy colours are generally used, like blue and yellow to show that the scene is happy. The scenes are usually set in daylight.
Props: Props are vital in teen comedy, from everything you would find in a high school and houses to footballs, golfclubs, or anything that could potentially give any pain on a character in a comic scene.
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